Tarot Reader ♰ Shadow Work ♰ Author
♰ Psychic Channel ♰ Coven Electric

Welcome, Darkling to Bohomofo.

Welcome to Bohomofo, the mystical home of Kerrie, a visionary storyteller, tarot reader, and practising witch.
Based on the wild east coast of Australia, Kerrie offers tarot readings, shadow work, and energetic healing both online and in Sydney. Explore her book Morsel, join her online witches' coven, or attend full and dark moon events. Step into your power with personalised, magic-infused guidance.

Connect with Kerrie Basha for Tarot, Shadow Work & Spiritual Healing

  • Readings and Consults

    Make uncommon sense of what’s going on for you right now.

    Personalised tarot readings are available online or in person on Sydney's Northern Beaches.

  • Hands on Healing

    Experience powerful energy healing with Kerrie.

    In-person sessions are available on the Northern Beaches. Choose from a wide range of energetic therapies to suit your needs

  • Shadow Work

    Shadow work is the most compassionate journey you will make, the one that holds our wounds and wonders equally sacred.

    Kerrie guides you online or in person through the deeply transformational path of the Shadow.

  • Shop

    Discover our handcrafted magical tools, custom oils, and Kerrie’s book Morsel.

    Each item is designed to enhance your spiritual journey and connect you with the divine

Featured Offerings